General Cont
Hello all,
I am hoping to give you a little more news on the garden, sorry I have not done much in the last couple of days due to having a chest infection, and have not fully recovered.
I grew Dahlia's last year, putting them straight into the borders, once again, I lost almost all of them due to the usual garden pests eating them away. However, my seeds were put into tubs this year and with a lot of hard work, plenty good compost and watering I have been successful with lovely yellows, reds and pinks.
It is a fairly hard plant but unfortunately once again only grow in the summer, although you can take cuttings of shoots as they come through in the spring. Dahlia's must be put in greenhouses in the winter as the frost will indeed kill them off. If you don't have a greenhouse find a dark place somwhere in your home to protect them.
I for one do not have a greenhouse as mentioned previously, and my Dahlia's are in rather large tubs, I will have to move them under the kitchen window and cover them with a black bag in the hope that I can protect them from the harsh winter months ahead.

My neighbours either side of me grew these beautiful flowers this year, from what I could understand from them , these plants like well drained but not too dry soil. Once again they need to be protected from the frost. Unfortunately I did not have any in my garden and therefore cannot comment on them, but intend to go in for them for next summer.
I have been very lucky with these both last year and this year. I saved my Geraniums from last year having put them in hanging baskets and put them inside in winter. This year I have had a variety of different colours and these have made a lovely show in the garden.
Geraniums are a hardy plant and are very easy to grow, my plants from last year were re potted and I got rid of a few dry stems and they survived.
I have a trailing geranium which was put into a hanging basket, it looked fantastic when in full bloom.
If there is anyone that has planted any Geraniums straight into the ground, I suggest you lift them out very carefully before the end of Autumn to protect them from the long winter months and then prepare your potting tubs before the Spring for replanting.
I believe these can be grown in the winter months as well, I understand there are a number of varieties in the Iris, I do not know much about them either, your input would be appreciated.
I understand these are a fairly hardy plant and must be planted in Autumn to have them ready for winter, I do not know much about them and would like to put them into my garden for winter. If anyone else has grown these, I would appreciate your advice.
I have been in the process of preparing some of my potting tubs for the winter as a lot of plants have started to die off now. I have put a few winter pansies of various colours in their place and will endeavour to get some happy snaps once they are in full bloom.
I have also put in a new rose, probably a little late but will see what happens in the next month or so.
Til the next time
Very good site. Thank you!!!
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See you later, thanks
6:51 am
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