A blog dedicated to one of the loves of my life - gardening. Living in a bungalow in Derby, UK where I spend my time looking after my disabled husband, I also spend time learning what I can about gardening and applying it in our small garden. I hope that you will enjoy the photography and visit again and again and again. The other loves in my life are husband, my two sons, my four grandchildren and music.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

An Introduction To My Garden

I live in a bungalow, the back of the bungalow is all communal and you can put in your own individual garden. The space I started working on was terrible, it was full of over grown thorny bushes which I started chopping down from almost roof height and then the hard work of digging out the roots. You have never seen such a mess and I thought I would never get rid of these bushes and weeds!

I have only been gardening for two years now, and the hard work above paid off, I would like to show you some of the photos my husband had taken, I could not believe the transformation and although I do enjoy gardening, I look forward to any advice from anyone out there that has far more experience than I do, eg; different plants for borders, designing different borders and contrasts.

The soil here is very bad and I have had to put in loads and loads of compost/manure before I could even begin to plant anything.

The past two years I was not able to put in a winter garden, but would like to have a winter garden this year, I would be grateful for some help as to what I can plant during the long winter months.

Here under a few photo's for you to see.

Please visit again!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi B, I'm a friend of Robb's friends, Skellem from the States, looks like you have put a great deal of work into your yard. Looks great.
All the best to both of you,

8:14 pm

Blogger Lorraine said...

I've bookmarked the site and will be following along. I love gardening too, but my hankie-size back garden is driving me mad (and we're renting, so don't want to spend too much )!!!

8:35 pm

Blogger TheMalau said...

Not bad, not bad at all! I wish I had more of a green thumb. We'll be watching!

2:05 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful..!!! Add more pics and I'm going to keep watching your blog.

7:13 pm


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